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"Against the Wind"

We just finished a new easy song lesson and want to share it with you. This time we are learning the Bob Seger song "Against the Wind." You only need six chords and one strumming pattern to get through the entire tune.

Of course the video lesson is complete with a jam track and chord chart. You can go through the lesson and get the resources by clicking the buttons on this page.

This song does use a B minor bar chord, so if you need help with your bar chords, you can check out the first module of the Bar Chord Masterclass course on the Guitar Fam site. It's free for all Guitar Fam members.

Have fun, and send us any questions that may come up.

Nate & Chelsea

Comments (1)

Hi Nate

I was listening to this even though this is an unfamiliar song. Is Chelsea singing and you playing the guitar with a drummer in the Jam Track attached? Or is it a downloaded version from another site?

This information will not improve my strumming pattern, however I can tell (boast) my friends my teachers are playing here if that were the case.

If the lyrics are included in the chord sheet, it helps to know when to start singing. I have not checked this yet for this song.

You always help by providing the simplest strumming pattern and simplifying chords whenever possible to learn a new song.

Thank you so much Nate and Chelsea.



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